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New region of waters south of the River

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South of the River (Jiangnan)

South of the River refers to the characteristics of an area. In terms of Zhejiang Province, where our base is located, the factors concerning architecture include climate, landscape, materials and cultural aesthetic appreciation. Due to the combined effects of those factors, the local architectures feature a unique comfort native to this region. The landscape (it is illustrated in the chapter of Region of Lakes and Rivers) is also the precondition for a necessary analysis and study.





In Zhejiang Province, the temperature in most of its areas is relatively higher except a few mountainous ones where it is cool. The seasons here features an obvious change, where winter can see a short period of frost and snow while spring and autumn bring warm and moisture. With a long period of warm seasons but without bitter cold, the vernacular architecture is mainly designed according to the climate conditions in summer. As a result, the indoor and outdoor space   is designed to be connected, and the windows and doors are made to a large size. In addition, most of the decorations of the guest house and the central room are made in a demountable way, which often serves as an open hall.



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Zhejiang Province has a rich rainfall, and receives an average of 1300-1900 millimeter of rain. Most of its rainy days are in April to September, the number of which is about 140 to 170. To prevent the rain leaking, the roofs are designed to shape like a slope which poses an angle of approximately 30°, and the eaves are further extended with a waist brim made between every two stories. People tend to feel sultry due to high moisture, and to cope with that, it is a traditional practice to avoid the direct exposure to the sun and strengthening the air ventilation. Most of the entrances to the architectures are in the shade and the air ventilation is faster because of the great room depth, lower-reaching eaves and the widely built entrance piazza side corridor. In addition, people usually keep courtyards both before and behind the rooms.


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Region of Lakes and Rivers

It can be seen from the name that it focuses on “water”. As is described in Volume One of Cao River , one piece from Stories Collection from a gaily-painted pleasure-boat in Yangzhou, people grow vegetables in the hilly areas, catch fishes in the water village, pick lotus flowers and get the lotus roots, which offers them a living continuously. We can see at any time that people here are living in harmony and peace with water. The best historical relics which can show the interaction and dependence between the residents and water are the various forms of architecture, which can still be seen today.



The remains of the architecture

The forms of architecture remaining reflect its richness to a large extent. The following is the summary of the typology of architecture and water’s interaction with streets, which brings out the vital functions of water channels in a city or town.



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Living style

From the results above, we can infer and get the idea how the residents in the region of lakes and rivers comprehend and apply to the concept of water, that is, how to live with water: water transportation, going shopping, washing clothes, washing vegetables, going swimming…  



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New region of waters south of the River (New Jiangnan water region)

This is a concept of comparison. A sense of frustration and sadness towards the disappearance of traditional Jiangnan water region can be felt from the above argument part, and a presentation of different opinions and attitudes from the public can also be seen.  Considering the current times background, the design is an exploration of the author into the construction the new region, hope for possible breakthroughs with the traditional relics remaining both in material and emotion.



The changes of the main body

When china is pushing forward at a high speed, it is at the same time changing and even removing all from the traditions in a devastating way. When the market economy plays the leading role in developing the real estate, the main body of the low-rise community will become the luxuries which can only be accessible to the wealthy, while the traditional citizens will be always kept out of the doors. It can be reflected in architecture where broad, comfortable and introversive space has taken the place of economical and original space.



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New relationship

Great changes in transportation have triggered the changes in the room of architecture, and the narrow alleys like a maze in Hongcun village has been made part of the history.  With pollution of water and the failure in functioning of water way transportation, people there will explore a new kind of life style. The following are the possible versions:



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This article will have a deep quantitative analysis about the structure of traditional Jiangnan water region from both macroscopic view—fabric and microcosmic one –comfortable degree. Then the new one will be designed and optimized according to this idea.



Cross direction – two dimensions, the relations between chart and bottom

Longitudinal direction –three dimensions, proportional relations


肌理 Fabric




Firstly we can see irregularity and disorder in the architecture plan of water region from the following relationships between chart and bottom. It is because of the organic development of the traditional that there are so varied space effects. Every resident was involved in the process, and there was no strict and unitary plan at all, which simply meant addition to that.


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Addition as it is, we can still feel the impact of amazement coming from the integrity of the complex, but it never leaves you an impression of mess. It is exactly one of the essences lying in the grand and remarkable architectural system. Every cell plays an organic role in building up a complete powerful body. Then I will start with the research into every “cell”, which works as the key growing element to illustrate its growing rules


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Space is the most basic unit for Chinese traditional residence. The room studios are three, five, and other singulars, each one is 3m to 4mwide,from 5 purlins to 9 purlin deep, purlins distance is generally between 1-1.5m, height is generally above 4m, without ceiling.

间是中国传统民居最基本的空间单位。房间的开 间 多 为 三 、 五 等 单数,每间面阔3-4m进深 由 五 檩 到 九 檩 的 都有,檩距一般在1-1.5m之间高度一般也在4m以上,不做吊顶。

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Horizontal -- we can clearly see how the space grow under the insertion of the "lane", "gallery", "courtyard", "patio" and other elements by below chart. And we can understand clearly these elements through the vertical expounds.


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Vertical - we can see the developed space flexibility and richness based on the actual requirements in such a structure system through the following chart.


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In the above typology change, which appears specific name we make for some space. As follows:

Corridor: there are more than galleries to shade in front and at the back of the house(gallery deep 2m/rain-proof/semi-outer living space)

Attic: The unordered space seemingly is done under the support of the structural system


廊:房屋前后多设廊遮阳(廊深2m / 防雨 / 半室外生活空间)


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Conclusion: we can browse the whole system clearly through the following brief.


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It is also a comparative concept. When compared with the comfort of modern residence, it is apparently followed. This is what the space design brings.


这也是对比性概念. 当与现代住宅的舒适度相比较而言显然是次之. 这都是空间的设计所带来的.

Traditional Chinese architectures are extraversion space that much space of the service properties, or because of the lack of indoor comfort (space size, lighting, ventilation and so on). People make a lot of activities outside. Such as writing, laundry, cooking, sewing and so on. Which leads to the interesting of outdoor space activities and the richness of outdoor space? Because of the narrow construction dimension and the high demand to south sunlight, which leads to the lack of privacy and indoor sunlight? Comfort is imagined.

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Modern home design is almost inward place, because it regards the sufficient sunshine and privacy. It can meet entirely all functions in a limited space. The weakness is the buildings lose the large space of traditional architecture and the distant relationship with the outdoor space under the separation of service space. The outside interesting of the traditional architectural space also disappear before.

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This design try to absorb the essence of traditional architecture texture, learn its rich texture, and expand the relation between inter space of architecture and outer nature.



This project is located at Fengqiao Town section in Jiaxing. Due to the excessive construction, Fengqiao Town has lost the style of the year. Architectural sites are damaged, dwellings are dilapidated, and water pollution is more serious. The project land use belonged to farmland before. The design basis should take the surrounding buildings as a reference, to coordinate results. The north of the land is the Meihuazhou plot in ancient town centre.



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Base analysis

The first phase of the project is going to complete the construction. This land is a long and narrow to pography, facing water in the east, and close to town driving expressway in the west. Most of the land is farmland. The network within the base is irregular and dimension is narrow abnormally.

Ps: Subject to aim at the design are high earners, so use top grade and new low-lever uptown as the standard.

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General layout design

When texture of the plane coordinate with the texture of the surrounding buildings, break through the one glyph monotonous arrange of the townhouse.

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A meaningful attempt designed by taking texture is acted as a starting point of thinking. Pay attention to the sense of form, but lack the most basic comfort. (You can see from the plan) You will see the further research about house type below.



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The discussed draft about the mutual relations among the building and water, and road in the base


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Finally arrange the drainage, make the road network and water network cross and compatible with each other. The side facing water of the building reaches the best scenic view. Building "floats" on the surface of the water.

最后整理了水系,使路网与水网互相交叉相容。建筑临水的一面达到最好的 景观视野。建筑“漂浮”在水面上。

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